
How to Create a Realistic Wine-Bottle in Adobe Photoshop

  What You'll Be Creating In this tutorial I'll show you how to create a mockup of a red wine bottle. This kind of mockup may come in handy if you need to showcase a red wine bottle with a customized label even if the real bottle doesn't exist yet! And thanks to the smart object, you can easily change the label every time you need! Tutorial Assets The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial: Red wine bottle Swordfish Berkshire Swash Open Sans Black Jack 1.  How to Remove the Label From the Bottle Step 1 Download the red wine bottle image from Pixabay  and open it with Photoshop CS5 or higher. Step 2 First press  Command-J  on the keyboard to create a copy of the image. If you look in the  Layers  panel, you'll see that you now have two layers, each containing the same image. The original photo will remain safe on the Background layer, and all of the editing work we're about to do will be done to the copy of the image on Layer ...